Complete online documenation: ==Prerequisites== * Downloaded the extension from GIT * MediaWiki 1.19+ * Shell access == Setup == * Run 'maintenance/populateSha1.php' if not already done. * Make sure '../FlaggedRevs/presentation/modules' is web readable (for CSS/JS) * Add the following line to 'LocalSettings.php': include_once('extensions/FlaggedRevs/FlaggedRevs.php'); * Run 'maintenance/update.php' to add the SQL tables * Run .../mwdir/extensions/FlaggedRevs/maintenance/updateAutoPromote.php. You can ignore this if you aren't using $wgFlaggedRevsAutopromote. * To enable article validation statistics, $wgPhpCli must be set correctly. This is not necessary if you set a cron job to run /FlaggedRevs/maintenance/updateStats.php every so often, which is preferable. == Configuration == * There is a well-commented list of configurable variables in FlaggedRevs.config.php. * Change settings by adding them to LocalSettings.php. * The online documentation expains some of these further. == Uninstallation == * Remove the FlaggedRevs include line from LocalSettings.php. * Run maintenance/refreshLinks.php from the command line to flush out the stable version links. * Drop the tables in FlaggedRevs.sql to free up disk space. You can use the following query: -- Replace /*_*/ with the proper DB prefix DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/flaggedpages; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/flaggedpage_pending; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/flaggedrevs; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS/*_*/flaggedtemplates; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/flaggedimages; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/flaggedpage_config; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/flaggedrevs_tracking; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/flaggedrevs_promote; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS /*_*/flaggedrevs_statistics; * If they exist, drop the columns 'page_ext_reviewed', 'page_ext_quality', 'page_ext_stable', and the index 'ext_namespace_reviewed' from the page table. You can use the following query: -- Replace /*_*/ with the proper DB prefix ALTER TABLE /*_*/page DROP INDEX ext_namespace_reviewed; ALTER TABLE /*_*/page DROP COLUMN page_ext_reviewed, DROP COLUMN page_ext_quality, DROP COLUMN page_ext_stable; == Licensing == © GPL, Aaron Schulz, Joerg Baach, 2007